I came across a picture of this shirt on another site and was just floored. Who in there right mind would even consider getting this for there little girl to wear. It is tasteless and has trouble written all over it.
This shirt comes in sizes 6-month to size 4-toddler and in five different colors. Why? What infant or toddler needs to wear something like this?!
Nipple tassles are what exotic dancer and strippers wear, not our little girls. Getting a child this type of shirt is not setting a good example, it is not teaching good morals.
Allow them to wear this when they are a toddlers is only going to put them on the wrong track, with clothing. Next your little girl will be wanting to wear super mini skirts, with thigh high boots and stomach revealing shirts to their first day of first grade.
This shirt is from a business in London called Twisted Twee and while I did find some of merchandise that was decent, I was not at all amused with there shirts for children. The Un-Friendly Alphabet shirts and I've Done Fuck All Today, shirt are a few others I found very distasteful and tacky.

Little girls clothing with nipple tassles...
You Have Got To Be Kidding