I just read that President Obama wants to make school days longer and have a shorter Summer break. Do I think this is a good idea.....NO!
Obama argues that children in America do not spend as much time in school during the days as other children in other countries. So what, American schools turn out a ton of incredible children who do great things, why do our schools have to be like others countries schools?!
What happened to individuality and not being like everyone else?
Another thing, what if parents don't want it. Kids go to school roughly from 8am to 3pm or so. After school some students go to daycare, home, participate in sports or after school club, hang out with friends and others go to an afternoon job. If school were to run to 5pm, when would students have time for themselves? What would happen to after school activities, Students that have to work part time to get a car because family money is tight or just to build responsibility.
Many children are assigned chores when they get home from school, but not getting out until 5 and then having to do homework, there will be little time for chores, which build great life skills and responsibilty, then there is the less time for themselves and less family time. With the way the world is today and how busy everyone already is, losing family time is not something many parents are willing to accept.
I read that charter schools run latter then public schools and do weekend classes. That is fine, because those parents choose to put their students in that type of school. Schools are different for a reason, they meet different needs and have their own way of duing things.
Having to stay in school longer during the day is going to exhaust students, who already struggle through the day as it is. There would need to be more breaks during classes and if that is the case, then what would be the point in lengthening their day?!
I most curtanily would not want my son to have to attend school till into the evening, running into family dinner time, or having to go to school on the weekend, when his dad is home from work and the only time we all have to spend together and go do something. No way, do not take time aways from our family time family life. that is not acceptable with me!
What about having shorter Summer breaks? Kids need a break from school, to cut lose and have fun. A few weeks is not that long, not with all that children do these days. There are tons of summer camps, day programs, sports camps, library reading groups and so on. If students fall behind it is not the Summer to blame it is lack or reponsibility on the parents part. If money is the issue as many families can not afford camps, there are many free programs and there s also the option of summer school.
If a change needs to be made, then try smaller schools, smaller classrooms so students have more interaction with theire teachers and one on one time. 27 students to 1 teacher is a lot and there is no way that 1 teacher can totally focus on each of those 27 students with the amount of attention they need. I know that having more teachers means more money spent, but wouldn't it be for a good cause.
Longer school days, shorter breaks...
You Have Got To Be Kidding