I came across these online and laughed about them at first, then started to take a closer look at them. Sure they look silly and would seem to be more of a gag gift, but they may actually work pretty well. The Stuffits Shoe Saver gets rid of stinky, sweaty shoes and drys them super-fast. They slide right into your shoe and the super absorbent inner-core made up of 100% Eastern Red Ceder, sucks the water out of the shoe.
The Cincinnati Enquirer suggests that any athlete would appreciate these. Stuffits shoe Savers are 100% natural and 100% reusable. They get most of the water out of wet shoes in an hour and are available in Royal Blue, Red, Black, Light Blue and Pink and in sizes small thru x-large.
To order Stuffits Shoe Savers click HERE
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Killed on Christmas Eve

Christmas is supposed to be a joyous, happy time of year and it is a shame when things like this happen.
On Christmas Eve in Little Rock, Arkansas, Philip Wise was shot and killed in front of his children. Philip Wise was a Salvation Army Major and had been with the Salvation Army for over 15 years. Wise and his children ages 4, 6 and 8 went to the community center to pick up his wife. Outside the center two men approached Wise, demanded his money and then shot him.
Major harvey Johnson of the Salvation Army said the Wise was involved with the community, he ran church services, youth programs,food pantry and encouraged children to look toward music.
It is sad that a person who spent much of their life helping other had to die in such a manner. Police are looking for the two suspects accused, but so far no one has been arrested.
A Salvation Army Major shot and killed in front of his children on Christmas Eve...
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A Golf Club and Weed Wacker in One

This is crazy, kinda neat though if you are into golfing. There is this side-splitter golf club called the Big Daddy Driver, that is also a weed wacker.
If a golfers ball lands in tall grass or weeds all they have to do is flip open the hidden weed wacker and chop the grass or weeds around the ball. Now the golfer has a clear viewing of his/her ball and is ready to take the swing. What a great gift for any golf enthusiast.
Watch Ellen Degeneres use the Bid Daddy Driver Here
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Monday, October 26, 2009
DWI While Driving A Recliner

A man gets a DWI after hitting a parked car, while he was driving his motorized, La-Z-Boy Recliner! Dennis Anderson plead guilty to, Driving While Intoxicated on Monday, Oct. 20.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
driving while intoxicated,
motorized recliner,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Longer School Days and Shorter Summer Break

I just read that President Obama wants to make school days longer and have a shorter Summer break. Do I think this is a good idea.....NO!
Obama argues that children in America do not spend as much time in school during the days as other children in other countries. So what, American schools turn out a ton of incredible children who do great things, why do our schools have to be like others countries schools?!
What happened to individuality and not being like everyone else?
Another thing, what if parents don't want it. Kids go to school roughly from 8am to 3pm or so. After school some students go to daycare, home, participate in sports or after school club, hang out with friends and others go to an afternoon job. If school were to run to 5pm, when would students have time for themselves? What would happen to after school activities, Students that have to work part time to get a car because family money is tight or just to build responsibility.
Many children are assigned chores when they get home from school, but not getting out until 5 and then having to do homework, there will be little time for chores, which build great life skills and responsibilty, then there is the less time for themselves and less family time. With the way the world is today and how busy everyone already is, losing family time is not something many parents are willing to accept.
I read that charter schools run latter then public schools and do weekend classes. That is fine, because those parents choose to put their students in that type of school. Schools are different for a reason, they meet different needs and have their own way of duing things.
Having to stay in school longer during the day is going to exhaust students, who already struggle through the day as it is. There would need to be more breaks during classes and if that is the case, then what would be the point in lengthening their day?!
I most curtanily would not want my son to have to attend school till into the evening, running into family dinner time, or having to go to school on the weekend, when his dad is home from work and the only time we all have to spend together and go do something. No way, do not take time aways from our family time family life. that is not acceptable with me!
What about having shorter Summer breaks? Kids need a break from school, to cut lose and have fun. A few weeks is not that long, not with all that children do these days. There are tons of summer camps, day programs, sports camps, library reading groups and so on. If students fall behind it is not the Summer to blame it is lack or reponsibility on the parents part. If money is the issue as many families can not afford camps, there are many free programs and there s also the option of summer school.
If a change needs to be made, then try smaller schools, smaller classrooms so students have more interaction with theire teachers and one on one time. 27 students to 1 teacher is a lot and there is no way that 1 teacher can totally focus on each of those 27 students with the amount of attention they need. I know that having more teachers means more money spent, but wouldn't it be for a good cause.
Longer school days, shorter breaks...
You Have Got To Be Kidding
longer school days,
president obama,
summer vacation
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Infant and Toddler Shirt With Nipple Tassles

I came across a picture of this shirt on another site and was just floored. Who in there right mind would even consider getting this for there little girl to wear. It is tasteless and has trouble written all over it.
This shirt comes in sizes 6-month to size 4-toddler and in five different colors. Why? What infant or toddler needs to wear something like this?!
Nipple tassles are what exotic dancer and strippers wear, not our little girls. Getting a child this type of shirt is not setting a good example, it is not teaching good morals.
Allow them to wear this when they are a toddlers is only going to put them on the wrong track, with clothing. Next your little girl will be wanting to wear super mini skirts, with thigh high boots and stomach revealing shirts to their first day of first grade.
This shirt is from a business in London called Twisted Twee and while I did find some of merchandise that was decent, I was not at all amused with there shirts for children. The Un-Friendly Alphabet shirts and I've Done Fuck All Today, shirt are a few others I found very distasteful and tacky.

Little girls clothing with nipple tassles...
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Beauty Contest for Plastic Surgery

In the county of Hungary, beauty contests have gone in a different direction. Instead of going with natural beauty, Hungary is showcases the beauty of plastic surgery. To be entered into the contests, competitors must be over 18 and have certificate form their doctors stating that they had undergone general or local anesthesia for their procedure.
Tummy tucks, nose jobs, breast implants, face lifts and other procedure are what will be judges at the Miss Plastic Hungary 2009. The idea of a plastic surgery pageant is nothing new as China completed their first plastic surgery pageant in December of 2004.
Beauty pageants gone plastic...
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Friday, August 14, 2009
Miley Cyrus's Ridiculous Outfit

For someone who is working on her own clothing line, you would think Miley would know how to dress. The frayed short, shorts should be tossed right into the trash and those boots, come on girl what were you even thinking when you put that get up on?
The hat is kinda cute, but that over-sized purse and flyboy glasses are just to old for you. The off the shoulder look is nice, but still to much for someone so young. Remember, thousands of young girls look up to you. You are only 16, enjoy it.
Check out Miley's outfit...
You Have Got To Be Kidding
hannah montana,
miley cyrus,
Monday, August 3, 2009
$70 For A Bottle Of Beer

Fosters, Australia's Famous Beer, has just released a new bottle of beer that costs, are you ready for this? $70 dollars!
The 'Crown Ambassador Reserve Lager', comes in a 750ml. bottle, looking much like a champagne bottle, has a wax seal and each bottle is numbered. There are 6000 of these limited edition bottles and the first one went to none other than the Queen herself.
This is not the first luxury lager that Fosters has put out. Last year they released their first vintage, which sold out within weeks. The new 2009, Crown Ambassador Reserve Lager, is expected to do the same.
$70 dollars for a bottle of beer....
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
City of L.A. to pick up the $1.4 Million Dollar Tab for Michael Jacksons Memorial Service Expenses

This just really irritates me. The economy is in such turmoil, that police and fire fighters are being laid-off, public assistance is being cut, unemployment rates are still high and county and state buildings are closing one day during week to save money.
Yet...the city of Los Angeles is going to foot the bill for Michael Jackson memorial service expenses.
Give me a break. Hey L.A did you pay for Farrah's service, or how about the Oxy clean guy Billy Mayes. Nope, in fact we barley even heard about them in the news. All we heard was Michael this and Michael that, well since he was so famous as to override everyone else, can't his family and friends pay for his service expenses?
I am sure L.A could find better uses for its money, like say gang control, how about clean up some of the neighbor hoods. $1.4 million is a lot to waste in this kind of fashion, and very pathetic if you ask me.
$1.4 Million Dollars
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Mini Circular Saw for Pizza & Pie

I have seen some silly kitchen accessories but this is too much. A circular saw for cutting pizzas and pies and it really looks like the saw, only really small.
The Pizza Boss 3000, is made of tough plastic and has a stainless steel blade. This cutter must have been developed by a man, any reason to bring the tools indoors I guess. LOL
Unlike a real circular saw this one does not take batteries or gas, just a little muscle power to get it to cut through that double cheese and pepperoni pizza or homemade cherry pie.
So who would this kitchen accessory be great for? Men of course and with cool gadgets like this, they should spend more time in the kitchen, right!? I mean if it was meant for a female I would have been pink. LOL
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Monday, July 6, 2009
42 Tons of Garbage Removed From Home in NY

A father and his son in Mastic Beach, N.Y., are going to have to pay town officials nearly $20,000 in fines. How did these fines accrue you ask? Well, town officials had to remove more than 42 tons of garbage, debris and car parts from the fathers property.
The father told officials that his son had acquired all the "junk" while living on the property, but that did not put him in the clear. He reportedly has to pay town officials nearly $9,000 in garbage removal fees. that is insane, $9,000 dollars worth of garbage...how could one allow that to happen?
The son did not get away without punishment as well and he has to pay $10,000, possibly more for violations of the battery codes. During the garbage removal and injured Pit Bull was recovered and sent off for treatment. Once the garbage, all 42 tons of it, was removed from the half acre property, the house was condemned.
42 tons or garbage, equaling ten garbage trucks from a single home....
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sarah Palin Calls it Quits!!!

With over a year left in her term as Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin announces that she is stepping down as Governor.
Palin says her decision to leave is what is best for Alaska. She also said that she has bigger plans for the United States and although not confirmed, there are rumors that she may possibly run in the 2012 presidential election.
There is still a bunch of confusion as to why Palin decided to resign. Many say it is because of the investigations going on regarding her and her family and possible finances, other speculate it has to do with the comments made regarding her one year old son Trig, who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
Palin says that she "knows when to pass the ball so a team can win." Her next step is still a mystery with very little information being offered up regarding her future plans. Sarah did say however, that she will not be seeking re-election in 2010 for Governor of Alaska, which is probably a good decision.
There are many other officials who agree with Palin, saying her decision was smart and in the best interest of Alaska and its people, even with all the money ($150,000) that was spent on her clothes, hair and makeup.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Communities in the Middle of the Ocean!?

Have you ever heard of a seastead? No, I did not think so.
A seastead is the same thing as a homestead, only it would be located in the middle on the ocean, hence the word "sea."
The Seasteading Institute, is working to create homes, communities and even societies on permanent platforms (seasteads), out in the open ocean. Sounds kinda neat, but is it possible?
Sure it is, anything is possible if you believe!
No, seriously it is possible...ever been on a cruz? A cruz ship has everything you need to survive, does it not? They have electricity, food, water, internet, doctors, heck they have restaurants, stores, tennis courts, swimming pools, exercise rooms, thisa room, thata room.
Cruz ships really have it all these days, and the people on board are able to live comfortably. So why not on a seastead? The seasteads would be larger of course, than a cruz ship, but it is definitely possible
Imagine living hundreds of miles away from land and having everything you need to survive. You would have electricity, a home, food, clothing, perhaps even a job, all on one of these seasteads.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Taylor Swift or T-Swizzle

"Taylor Swifts raps with T-Pain as T-Swizzle"
When I first saw this, i was like "what the ...."
I like country music, it is my favorite type of music, but as far as rap goes, well it is not my first top 10 choices of music....sorry, nothing against it, Just not my thing. Anyway, I had to check out this video and see what this crazy girl was up too.
click here to see rap video featuring Taylor Swift and T-Pain
Okay, I have to admit, I thought it was funny. She looked so cute bouncing around all over the place, flopping her arms about, all gangstered out. Come on, you know you laughed at some point, even if it was ridiculous. Do not worry she is staying with country music, which she is much better at.
I mean could you image if she did start to rap....
You Have Got To Be Kidding
First Double Back-Flip Landed in a Freestyle Motocross Competition

At 24 years old, Cameron Sinclair from Australia (a rider with Metal Mulisha), landed a double back-flip the first ever in a Freestyle Motocross Competition. While at the third event of the Red Bull X-Fighter Tour in Texas last week, Cameron awwed the crowd by landing a double back-flip in a freestyle run. Then to keep the fans on their feet and shoot for first place, he landed the double back flip yet again on another run.
click here to see video of Cameron
Both landing were hard and Cameron had to be helped off his bike, because his ankles hurt and were bruised. Unfortunately for Cameron, his incredible and daring double back-flips did not win him first place. Nate Adams, an American Rider, took first place while Cameron took third.
A double back-flip on a dirt bike, thirty or so feet in the air.......
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Glass Balconies on the 103rd Floor!!
As if being the tallest skyscraper in the United States is not enough, the Sear Tower, had to go even further. Glass balconies have been added to the 103rd floor Skydeck and offer an amazing, breath taking and near fainting view.
The balconies go out from the building four feet and are nearly all glass the sides, top and yes even the bottom. Those that have already been able to venture onto the balconies say it was hard the first time and even though they knew they would not, the thought of falling passed through their mind.

One of the property owners said that the view from the balconies is "the world most awesome view." I bet it is the most awesome view of Chicago, that anyone could experience, but not for one who is afraid of heights.
I like heights and going out on one of those balconies would be cool, but could you imagine standing on a glass balcony an inch and a half thick, 1,353 feet in the air and see all the way down.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
The balconies go out from the building four feet and are nearly all glass the sides, top and yes even the bottom. Those that have already been able to venture onto the balconies say it was hard the first time and even though they knew they would not, the thought of falling passed through their mind.

One of the property owners said that the view from the balconies is "the world most awesome view." I bet it is the most awesome view of Chicago, that anyone could experience, but not for one who is afraid of heights.
I like heights and going out on one of those balconies would be cool, but could you imagine standing on a glass balcony an inch and a half thick, 1,353 feet in the air and see all the way down.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
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Crazy, stupid and outrageous things are taking place every day all over the world, so you can expect this blog to be updated regularly.
That means, do not just take one look, come back again and see what is new. See Ya Soon!
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