At 24 years old, Cameron Sinclair from Australia (a rider with Metal Mulisha), landed a double back-flip the first ever in a Freestyle Motocross Competition. While at the third event of the Red Bull X-Fighter Tour in Texas last week, Cameron awwed the crowd by landing a double back-flip in a freestyle run. Then to keep the fans on their feet and shoot for first place, he landed the double back flip yet again on another run.
click here to see video of Cameron
Both landing were hard and Cameron had to be helped off his bike, because his ankles hurt and were bruised. Unfortunately for Cameron, his incredible and daring double back-flips did not win him first place. Nate Adams, an American Rider, took first place while Cameron took third.
A double back-flip on a dirt bike, thirty or so feet in the air.......
You Have Got To Be Kidding
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