Have you ever heard of a seastead? No, I did not think so.
A seastead is the same thing as a homestead, only it would be located in the middle on the ocean, hence the word "sea."
The Seasteading Institute, is working to create homes, communities and even societies on permanent platforms (seasteads), out in the open ocean. Sounds kinda neat, but is it possible?
Sure it is, anything is possible if you believe!
No, seriously it is possible...ever been on a cruz? A cruz ship has everything you need to survive, does it not? They have electricity, food, water, internet, doctors, heck they have restaurants, stores, tennis courts, swimming pools, exercise rooms, thisa room, thata room.
Cruz ships really have it all these days, and the people on board are able to live comfortably. So why not on a seastead? The seasteads would be larger of course, than a cruz ship, but it is definitely possible
Imagine living hundreds of miles away from land and having everything you need to survive. You would have electricity, a home, food, clothing, perhaps even a job, all on one of these seasteads.
You Have Got To Be Kidding
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